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UNO R3 CH340 Atmel ATMega328 16MHz - compatible with Arduino UNO
- Offered UNO R3 CH340 Atmel ATMega328 16MHz is a fully compatible clone, one of the most popular modules on the market. Can be used in many microprocessor projects. For communication with sensors, displays and Arduino devices.
UNO R3 CH340 16MHz - compatible with Arduino

This microcontroller offers tremendous potential for use in many microprocessor projects.
UNO is ideal for those starting to play in the world of microcontrollers as well as electronics.
- UNO is equipped with digital inputs/outputs 6 PWM outputs and 6 analog inputs. In addition, it supports popular buses such as SPI and I2C, for communication with many sensors, displays and other devices and Arduino.
- There are also parallel holes on the board for all pins so you can solder wires or GOLDPINs into them, which are included in the kit.
- The Arduino has a voltage stabilizer and a separate DC input so you can supply it with voltage from a power supply up to 12V. This solution allows you to power the microcontroller easily and perform programmed actions anywhere.
- This Arduino has a built-in CH340 programmer for which you need an additional controller, which is below!
Arduino UNO R3 parameters:
The module is fully compatible with Arduino UNO, this means that it can be programmed through the Arduino IDE environment using available libraries.
- The module has:
- aTmega328 microcontroller - the chip is clocked with a 16MHz clock signal
- 14 digital inputs/outputs
- 6 PWM channels - e.g. for controlling SG-90 servos / motors
- 6 analog inputs - 10 bit
- popular communication interfaces
- uSB connector (driver on CH340 chip)
- dC power socket
- rESET button
- pins used to connect the AVR programmer.
- To run the DFRduino, connect the chip to the computer via a USB cable and select the Arduino Uno board in the Arduino IDE environment.
- Module mostly compatible with shields designed for Duemilanowe and Diecimila
- The BLINK LED 13 program and bootloader are preloaded into the module as standard
Technical data UNO R3
- Supply voltage: 7 V to 12 V DC input as well as pin: VIN
- Fully compatible with Arduino Uno Rev3
- Microcontroller: ATmega328 - operating voltage 5V
- USB control circuit: CH340
- Maximum clock frequency: 16 MHz
- SRAM: 2 kB
- Flash memory: 32 kB (5kB reserved for bootloader)
- EEPROM memory: 1 kB
- IN-OUT inputs 14 including as many as 6 PWMs
- Current capacity of a single pin 40mA
- Number of analog inputs: 6 (A/D converter channels)
- Serial interfaces: UART, SPI, I2C
- External interrupts
- Connector: USB socket
- Soldered ISP connector
- Plate dimensions: 75 x 54 x 15 mm
- Pin spacing 2.54 mm (can be mounted in contact boards)
Notes on the design and connection of Arduino UNO R3 modules
- Power supply:
- The module can be powered via a USB cable and an external device, such as an AC adapter, battery or rechargeable battery. Switching of the power source is done automatically. The power supply plugs into a standard DC outlet. The battery or other source is connected to the pins of the POWER connector.
- Inputs/Outputs
- It has 14 digital input/output (I/O) leads.
- Each pin allows a maximum current draw of 40mA, allowing direct connection of LEDs with resistors and control of other ICs.
- In addition to standard I/O, some leads also have special functions.
- Programming: software development and installation is enabled by the free Arduino IDE environment. The implemented bootloader allows the program to be uploaded directly via USB cable.
- ISCP connector gives you the ability to connect an external AVR programmer. A detailed description can be found in the documentation and tutorial.
- Through the ISCP connector, the following can be used for programming PL2303 Programmer
Video presentations
UNO R3 board schematic

- UNO R3 CH340 Atmel ATMega328 16MHz - 1 piece
- Pin plugs - 1 pc
- No USB A/B cable included.

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