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FC-28 soil moisture sensor - hygrometer sensor for Arduino
- Soil moisture sensor module with digital and analog outputs. The sensor can be used, for example, to automate the irrigation of potted plants.
Soil moisture sensor FC-28

Soil hygrometer is used to monitor the moisture content of the soil.
Thanks to the hygrometer can be used to help grow plants, herbs, or other trees that require special care from the grower, pay a lot of attention, or simply relieve the burden on the caregiver.
This sensor can greatly facilitate the work of caring for plants, but most importantly, connected under a properly programmed microcontroller, it will take care of plants like no one else and will continuously monitor the moisture content of the soil.
With the digital and analog output of the humidity sensor, the user can select and customize the sensor to suit the given needs.
The digital output changes state to 1 or 0 depending on the threshold determined by the potentiometer mounted on the circuit.
Analogue output sends values from 0 to 5V depending on the soil moisture which is convenient if the user wants high measurement accuracy.
Product features
- The soil moisture sensor module is a simple circuit that compares the probe resistance to a predetermined value.
- Water causes a drop in resistance between probe tracks - which is read by the controller chip.
- On the controller there is a potentiometer and a LED indicating the output status.
- The module has two outputs: analog A0 and digital D0.
- The digital output shows O or 1 signal depending on the trip threshold setting with the potentiometer on the board.
- LEDs on the board indicate power supply and tripping status of the module.
Technical data
- Supply voltage: 3-5V
- TTL digital output
- Tripping sensitivity adjustment
- Length of connecting cable 200 mm
- Two communication LEDs power supply and DO status
- Sensor length 45mm
- Electronics dimensions 3.2x1.4cm
- The module can work independently - for example, with a relay - or with a microcontroller.
- The module has leads:
- VCC - 3v-5v power supply
- GND - zero
- DO - TTL switching signal output 5v
- AO - analog output 0-5v
Example application
By using a soil moisture sensor, you can build a simple automatic plant watering system by connecting external actuators to it, or to an arduino or other microcontroller.
Depending on where the sensor will be used there is a choice of signal. Thanks to the digital output, we can connect directly to the sensor, for example, a relay, which will control a pump that will water the plant when the humidity value falls below the set one. This solution is very simple to build, as well as to use. Thanks to the analog output, we can use, for example, a microcontroller that reads the values from the sensor and performs the appropriate tasks that the user can program for themselves. Also, a variety of sensors can be connected to the microcontroller, so you can monitor more factors that the plant needs. You can additionally use a photoresistor, so that watering will take place after dark. So, thanks to the soil moisture sensor, you can take care of your favorite plant, or garden and greenhouse in an easy and pleasant way, while giving the grower a moment of respite.
Video presentations
We control the humidity of our fern

Stacja meteo

Cz. 3 Budowa stacji meteorologicznej w oparciu o Arduino i czujniki

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